Web Socket API

With Kafka adoption rate increasing we see now clients wanting Front-End Web Application hooked into Apache Kafka. Those applications can get the benefit of working with Apache Kafka while leveraging SQL capabilities.

Lenses comes with a REST API allowing JavaScript clients to work with Apache Kafka over a WebSocket. To speed up integration we provide an open source client JavaScript library; if you are using ReactJS (Angular to follow soon) you can get going fast and focus on your business requirements.

Below you can find the list of supported functionality:

  • A client can and should AUTHENTICATE first to obtain the token allowing all other requests to be accepted.
  • A client can SUBSCRIBE to a topic via SQL. Please check the Lenses Kafka SQL section for the full details on how to set filters and use functions.
  • A client can UNSUBSCRIBE from a topic.
  • A client can PUBLISH messages to a topic. The current version supports only string/json. In the future, we will add support for Avro.
  • A client can COMMIT the (topic, partition) offsets.
  • A client subscription must specify the decoder type. This allows reading correctly the content of the Kafka Message Key/Value parts.

The following decoders are supported

  • STRING - the byte[] payload received from Kafka is read as a String
  • INT - the byte[] payload received from Kafka is read as an Int
  • LONG - the byte[] payload received from Kafka is read as a Long
  • AVRO - the byte[] payload received from Kafka is read as an Avro
  • JSON - the byte[] payload received from Kafka is read as an Avro
  • BINARY - the byte[] payload received from Kafka is kept as it is in Binary format

Lenses WS client lib 

Redux is currently supported via middleware. We are actively working on Angular support.


    npm i --save kafka-ws-js

If your browser doesn’t support Promises and fetch(), you will need the polyfills

import Promise from 'promise-polyfill';
import 'whatwg-fetch';

if (!window.Promise) {
  window.Promise = Promise;

How to use 

First setup the redux store as a Kafka middleware:

import { kafkaWsRedux } from 'kafka-ws-js';

function configureStore() {
  const kafkaWsMiddleware = kafkaWsRedux.createWsMiddleware();
  //Any other middleware you might use
  const logger = createLogger();
  const middleware = [logger, kafkaWsMiddleware];

  const store = createStore(

  return store;

Or you can customise the middleware with custom options, in which case it will attempt to connect with:

import { kafkaWsRedux } from 'kafka-ws-js';

function configureStore() {
  const kafkaOptions = {
    host: 'cloudera02.landoop.com:24006/api/kafka/ws',
    clientId: 'MyClient',
    // See Options section for full list

  const kafkaWsMiddleware = kafkaWsRedux.createWsMiddleware(kafkaOptions);
  const middleware = [..., kafkaWsMiddleware];

  const store = createStore(

  return store;

After, add the reducer:

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { kafkaWsRedux } from 'kafka-ws-js';
import sessionReducer from './sessionReducer';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  kafka: kafkaWsRedux.reducer,
  //Add other application reducers where you listen to kafka actions
  session: sessionReducer,

export default rootReducer;

Now you are ready to dispatch Actions that the middleware will intercept:

import { kafkaWsRedux } from 'kafka-ws-js';

const Actions = kafkaWsRedux.Actions;


You can also listen to various Action Types dispatched by the middleware:

import { kafkaWsRedux } from 'kafka-ws-js';

const Actions = kafkaWsRedux.Type;

export const Type = {

Options Description 

Passed when creating middleware or when dispatching connect actions.

hostStringWeb socket address, including port. If wss:// is not set, it will be added by the library. Example of address: test.landoop.com:21112/api/kafka/ws or wss://test.landoop.com:21112/api/kafka/ws
clientIdStringClient Id. If previous session found, it will send back messages on topic subscription.
authTokenStringToken used in order to authenticate kafka publish/subscribe/unsubscribe messages.
authUrlStringIf no token is provided, this address will be used in order to retrieve token. ( provided the user and password are given )
userStringUser for Http authentication.
passwordStringPassword for Http authentication.


We strongly encourage you to use the JavaScript library we provide since it already implements the protocol required and is production ready. But should you chose not to you can find below the details required to implement a client able to use the API.

The API is straight forward, there is only one REST endpoint to connect to and open a WebSocket connection:

HTTP methodPathParameter
GET/api/kafka/ws/$clientIdclientId - the unique identifier for the Kafka Consumer created behind the scenes

Once the connection has been opened, the client needs to make sure it follows the protocol. Here is the template for each message the client can send to the back end:

        "content":"The json text for the specific request",
        "authToken" : "Authorization token or empty"
typeStringDescribes the action the back end will take in response to the request. The available values are:LOGIN, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, PUBLISH, COMMIT
contentStringContains the Json content of the actual request. The content is strictly related to the type described shortly.
correlationIdLongA unique identifier in order for the client to link the response with the request made.
authTokenStringA unique token identifying the user making the request. This token can only be obtained once the LOGIN request has completed successfully.

The response received from the back end follows this template:

        "correlationId": Long,
        "content": String
correlationIdLongThe unique identifier the client has provided in the request associated with the response.
typeStringDescribes what response content the client has received. Available values are: ERROR, INVALIDREQUEST, KAFKAMSG, HEARTBEAT,SUCCESS
contentStringContains the actual response content. Each response type has its own content layout.

Protocol Definition 

All requests made are constrained by user permissions on the back end. If the user has only Read access then publishing a record to a topic will not be allowed. If the user has only No-Data user role, then retrieving messages from Kafka will not be allowed either. See the security section for role definitions.


The first thing to do when a WebSocket connection has been opened is to obtain an authorization token. To do so the client will have to send the following LOGIN request format:

       "type" : "LOGIN",
       "content" : "{
                     "user" : String,
                     "password" : String,
       "correlationId": Long,
       "authToken": String
contentStringContains a json with two fields user and password to obtain the token for.
correlationIdLongA unique number the back end will send back as part of the response.
authTokenStringFor this request type the authorization token is not validated.

Note: The content field value is a string containing a JSON!

A successful login response will look like this:

      "correlationId" : Long,
      "type" : "SUCCESS",
      "content" : String
contentStringContains the authorization token
correlationIdLongA unique number sent in the request

If the user or password provided is not correct, the client will receive an error response. In this case, the response format looks like this:

      "correlationId": Long,
      "type" : "ERROR",
      "content": String
contentStringContains the description error
correlationIdLongA unique number sent in the request


In order to publish a message to a topic the client has to send the following request:

       "type" : "PUBLISH",
       "content" : "{
                     "topic" : String,
                     "key" : String,
                     "value" : String
       "correlationId": Long,
       "authToken": String
contentStringContains a json with three fields: topic, key, and value. The last two fields are optional. Do not set the field if you want to send null values.
correlationIdLongA unique number the back end will send back as part of the response.
authTokenStringThe authorization token. The back end will check if the user roles allows such action.

Note: Remember, the content for key/value are sent to the target Kafka topic are sent as String! The content field value is a string containing a json!


To receive messages from a Kafka topic the client has to send a SUBSCRIBE request.

       "type" : "SUBSCRIBE",
       "content" : "{
           "sqls" : [
       "correlationId" : Long,
       "authToken" : String
contentStringContains a json with one field: SQLs. The field is and array of LSQL values.
sqlsString[]An array of LSQL values. The format is a SQL like syntax allowing you to use functions, filter and allows for field selection. See template below.
correlationIdLongA unique number the back end will send back as part of the response.
authTokenStringThe authorization token. The back end will check if the user roles allows such action.
       [AND ...]

You can provide more than one LSQL statement if you want to subscribe to more than 1 topic. Please visit the Lenses Kafka SQL section for full details on what it supports. The response from the back end can be a SUCCESS or an ERROR.

Once the subscription has been successful, messages arriving in the Kafka topic(-s) and matching the filter will be delivered. A message received by the client will have this structure:

      "content": [
           "key" : "...",
           "value" : "{...}",
           "topic" : "topicA",
           "partition" : Int,
           "offset" : Long,
           "timestamp" : Long
      "correlationId": Long,
      "type" : "KAFKAMSG"
contentStringContains a Json with six fields: key, value, topic, partition, offset and timestamp.
content.keyStringContains the Kafka message key value. If the key is null, the field will not be present.
content.valueStringContains the Kafka message value part. If the value is null, the field will not be present.
content.topicStringContains Kafka message topic name.
content.partitionIntContains Kafka message partition number.
content.offsetLongContains Kafka message offset.
content.timestampLongContains the Kafka message timestamp.
correlationIdLongA unique number the back end will send back as part of the response.
authTokenStringThe authorization token. The back end will check if the user roles allows such action.

Note: The timestamp field requires Kafka 0.10.2+ and correct broker settings/or client publishing the timestamp.


A client can choose at any point to stop receiving messages from a given topic(-s). In order to do so it has to send the following message:

       "type" :"UNSUBSCRIBE",
       "content": "{
          "topics": [
       "correlationId": Long,
       "authToken" : String,
contentStringContains a Json with one field: topics. The field should contain an array of strings representing the topics to unsubscribe from.
correlationIdLongA unique number the back end will send back as part of the response.
authTokenStringThe authorization token. The back end will check if the user roles allows such action.

Although the subscription allows you to specify via LSQL the partitions to subscribe to, the unsubscribe does not support selective partition dropping from the subscription.

Note: Executing a subscribe call with a new LSQL for a topic already in the subscription, will unsubscribe first and subscribe again.

Offsets Commit 

The JavaScript client can decide when to commit the offset in Kafka. This way, when the client reopens a connection and resubscribes to the same Kafka topic it will receive the Kafka messages from where it left it.

To commit offsets the client has to send the following message structure:

       "type" :"COMMIT",
       "content": "{
          "commits": [
                "topic": String,
                "partition": Int,
                "offset" : Long
       "correlationId": Long,
       "authToken" : String
contentStringContains a Json with one field: commits. The field should contain an array of elements with three fields: topic, partition and offset
content.commits.topicStringThe Kafka topic to commit the offsets for
content.commits.partitionIntThe Kafka topic partition to commit the offsets for
content.commits.offsetLongThe offsets number to retain
correlationIdLongA unique number the back end will send back as part of the response
authTokenStringThe authorization token. The back end will check if the user roles allows such action

Since the commits field is an array, more than one (topic, partition, offset) tuple can be provided at once.

Note: The content field value is a string containing a json!


The REST API makes sure it keeps the connection open in case there is no data going back and forth between the client and the back end. As a result the client should be able to handle messages with the following structure:

      "type" : "HEARTBEAT"

When such messages are received the client can discard them.


To be added in the near future:

  • Finalize Angular implementation
  • Support message batching
  • Handle unexpected disconnects and reconnection attempt
  • Add timeout and delay options
  • Look into Rx.DOM.fromWebSocket for simplifying code