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Schema Registries

Schema Registry connectivity is optional. Set up when AVRO and Schemas are in use.

lenses.schema.registry.urls.urlSchema registry endpoint - include the protocol i.e. http://string
lenses.schema.registry.topicsThe backing topic where schemas state is stored i.e. _schemasstring
lenses.schema.registry.deleteAllow schemas to be deleted. Default is falseboolean
lenses.schema.registry.urls.metrics.urlSchema registry metrics endpoint as host:portstring
lenses.schema.registry.urls.metrics.userThe username when basic auth is used on metricsstring
lenses.schema.registry.urls.metrics.passwordThe password when basic auth is used on metricsstring
lenses.schema.registry.authThe authentication mode URL, USER_INFO, SASL_INHERIT or NONEstring
lenses.schema.registry.usernameThe username when USER_INFO authentication is usedstring
lenses.schema.registry.passwordThe password when USER_INFO authentication is usedstring