
You are viewing documentation for an older version of Lenses.io View latest documentation here

Linux archive


1. Download and extract 

tar -xvf lenses.tar.gz -C lenses

This will extract the application in a lenses directory. Make sure the directory is owned by the root user.

2. Configure Lenses 

Use the 2 sample configuration files, included in the directory, and create the Lenses configuration. The sample files are:

  1. Enable any configuration points by removing the # comment prefix.
  2. Change the values as you want. Here’s the configuration section .
  3. Copy or rename the files to their official names:

After that, the final directory structure should be:

   ├── lenses.conf       ← edited and renamed from .sample
   ├── security.conf     ← edited and renamed from .sample
   ├── license.json
   ├── logback.xml
   ├── logback-debug.xml 
   ├── bin/
   ├── jre/
   ├── lib/
   ├── licences/
   ├── logs/             ← created when you run Lenses
   ├── plugins/
   ├── storage/          ← created when you run Lenses
   └── ui/

3. Set file permissions 

security.conf contains sensitive information:

  • admin user account and password
  • LDAP or SSO connection details.

Make it only readable by the Lenses user:

chmod 0600 /path/to/security.conf
chown [lenses-user]:root /path/to/security.conf

Lenses needs write access in 2 places:

  1. lenses/ - when Lenses runs, it will create 2 directories:
    1. lenses/logs - stores 2 kinds of files:
      • log files
      • SQL processors (when In Process mode). To change the location for the processors’ state directory, use lenses.sql.state.dir option.
    2. lenses/storage - Location for Lenses H2 database. To change this directory, use the lenses.storage.directory option.
  2. /tmp (Global temporary directory) - Used for temporary files and JNI shared libraries. See here for instructions for JNI .

Start Lenses 

Start Lenses by running:


or pass the location of the config file:

bin/lenses lenses.conf

The default settings mean that you can login on http://localhost:9991 using your authentication provider, or with the admin account that comes by default with the admin:admin credentials. We strongly recommend changing the defaults .

To stop Lenses, press CTRL+C.

JNI libraries 

Lenses and Kafka itself use two common Java libraries that take advantage of JNI and are extracted to /tmp.

You must either:

  1. Mount /tmp without noexec
  2. or set org.xerial.snappy.tempdir and java.io.tmpdir to a different location
LENSES_OPTS="-Dorg.xerial.snappy.tempdir=/path/to/exec/tmp -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/exec/tmp"

SystemD example 

If your server uses systemd as Service Manager, then manage Lenses (start upon system boot, stop, restart) with it. Below you can find a simple unit file that starts Lenses automatically on system boot.

Description=Run Lenses.io service

ExecStart=/opt/lenses/bin/lenses /etc/lenses/lenses.conf
