
You are viewing documentation for an older version of Lenses.io View latest documentation here


Map groups to Lenses 

Groups are case-sensitive and mapped by UUID with Azure

Integrate your user-groups with Lenses using the Azure group IDs. The group IDs are in universally unique identifier ( UUID) format. Create a group in Lenses using the UUID as the name.

For example, if the Engineers group has the UUID ae3f363d-f0f1-43e6-8122-afed65147ef8, create a group with the same name:

Azure SSO / SAML and Kafka RBAC

To learn how to use data centric permissions for users and service accounts check the help center .

Setup Microsoft Azure SSO 

Learn more about Azure SSO

  1. Go to Enterprise applications > + New Application
  2. Search for Lenses.io in the gallery directory
  3. Choose a name for Lenses e.g. Lenses.io and click Add
Azure gallery Kafka

Enable Single-Sign-On 

Select Set up single sign on > SAML

Azure enable SAML

Configure your SAML details:

Azure configure SAML

Identifier (Entity ID)Use the base url of the Lenses installation e.g. https://lenses-dev.example.com
Reply URLUse the base url with the callback details e.g. https://lenses-dev.example.com/api/v2/auth/saml/callback?client_name=SAML2Client
Sign on URLUse the base url

Remember to activate HTTPS on Lenses. See TLS .

Download SAML Signing Certificate 

Azure SSO/SAML IDP file

Download the Federation Metadata XML file with the Azure IdP details. You will reference this file’s path in the Lenses security.conf configuration file.


Configure Lenses 

Given the downloaded metadata file and a keystore , add the following configuration to security.conf:

lenses.security.saml.keystore.location = "/path/to/keystore.jks"
lenses.security.saml.keystore.password = "my_keystore_password"
lenses.security.saml.key.password = "my_saml_key_password"

See all SSO options .