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Kafka consumers

Commands for updating consumer groups offsets.

Flags —group and —topic are mandatory and specify the consumer group ID and topic name respectively.

To affect all topics use the —all-topics flag.

  • -g, —group - Sets the Consumer Group ID
  • -t, —topic - Sets the topic name
  • —all-topics - Selects implicitly all topics
  • —-topic - The topic to reset offsets for
  • —partition - Sets the partition ID
  • —to-earliest - resets partition offset to earliest offset
  • —to-latest - sets partition offset to latest offset
  • —to-offset - sets partition offset to the provided value

Update a single topic’s partition offset to the specified value 

lenses-cli consumers \
    offsets \
    update-single-partition \
    --group <group_name> \
    --topic <topic_name> \
    --partition <partition_id> \
    --to-offset <offset_id>

Update to the earliest offset available 

lenses-cli consumers \
    offsets \
    update-single-partition \
    --group <group_name> \
    --topic <topic_name> \
    --partition <partition_id> \

Update to the latest offset available 

lenses-cli consumers \
    offsets \
    update-single-partition \
    --group <group_name> \
    --topic <topic_name> \
    --partition <partition_id> \

Update given topics for alls their partitions offsets to the specified datetime 

lenses-cli consumers \
    offsets \
    update-multiple-partitions \
    --group <group_name> \
    --topic <topic_name> \
    --to-datetime <datetime>

Reset given topics for all their partitions offsets to the earliest offset possible 

lenses-cli consumers \
    offsets \
    update-multiple-partitions \
    --group <group_name> \
    --topic <topic_name> \

Reset given topics for all their partitions offsets to the earliest offset possible 

lenses-cli consumers \
    offsets \
    update-multiple-partitions \
    --group <group_name> \
    --topic <topic_name> \

Reset offsets for all topics of this consumer group 

lenses-cli consumers \
    offsets \
    update-multiple-partitions \
    --group <group_name> \
    --all-topics \