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How can I customize Lenses configuration options that are not available in the Helm Chart
Each version of the helm chart for Lenses is accompanied by a values.yaml. This file contains sane defaults for all the supported Lenses configuration options for that version of the chart.
Although great care has been taken to cover most use cases in the chart, we may encounter situations where a specific configuration option is required but is not available.
To support such cases, Lenses Helm Chart provides the lenses.append.conf mechanism.This mechanism works as shown below
lenses: append: conf: | lenses.configuration.option=[VALUE]
As described in Advanced Configuration Options, Lenses provides the option lenses.interval.user.session.refresh that controls how often to check for idle client sessions. As its default value of 60000 is suitable for most deployments, an option to configure it is not provided in the values.yaml. If we needed to set its value to 40000 for our deployment, we’d create the snippet below
lenses: append: conf: | lenses.interval.user.session.refresh=40000
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