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Lenses HDInsight deployment failed, what can I do?
First check if this is an error due to wrong inputs
SSH into Lenses edge node
Check the content of /var/log/lenses/setup.log. The setup.log logs the run stages and any error it occured. The errors have the following syntax:
Input errors usually will messages that indicate that something was missing, for example
To view your inputs and verify the error, issue:
cat /var/log/lenses/env
The first big string the content of your base64 encoded concated inputs. Below the base64 string is the environment that Lenses runs
To view the base64 encoded inputs, first copy the base64 string from /var/log/lenses/env and then run
echo 'here-you-paste-the-copied-string' | base64 -d
If the error is not related with the inputs, please
Archive the above copies and send them to us at
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