
The CLI allows you to import resources from files in Lenses into another environment.

Import is done on a per resource basis, the directory structure defined by the CLI whereas a base directory can be provided by the —dir flag.

Processors, connectors, topics and schemas have an additional prefix flag to restrict resources to export.

lenses-cli import acls --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import alert-channels --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import alert-settings --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import connections --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import connectors --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import processors --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import quota --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import schemas --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import topics --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import policies --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import groups --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import serviceaccounts --dir my-dir

The directory structure is:

├── alert-settings
│   └── alert-setting.yaml
├── apps
│   ├── connectors
│   │   ├── connector-1.yaml
│   │   └── connector-2.yaml
│   └── sql
├── groups
│   └── groups.yaml
├── kafka
│   ├── quotas
│   │   └── quotas.yaml
│   └── topics
│       ├── topic-1.yaml
│       └── topic-2.yaml
├── policies
│   └── policies-city.yaml
├── service-accounts
│   └── servic-eaccounts.yaml
└── schemas
    ├── schema-1.yaml
    └── schema-2.yaml


Lenses is on the journey to GitOps. The initial phase is to standardise the import and export of resources and to provide a way to manage resources in a declarative way. This is where AS-Code comes in. Since Lenses 5.5 the As-code feature is available for Kafka Connectors, the other resource will follow in the upcoming releases.

The general syntax for the AS-Code is:

lenses-cli apply resource.yaml

The resource.yaml file is a YAML file containing the resource definition. Specifically, for Kafka Connectors, the resource definition follows this structure:

kind: KafkaConnector
  status: RUNNING
  cluster: a-cluster-name
  name: hdfs-sink-connector
    "connector.class": ""
    "tasks.max": "10"
    "topics": "my-topic"
    "connect.s3.kcql": "insert into lensesio:demo select * from demo PARTITIONBY _value.metadata_id, _value.customer_id, _header.ts, _header.wallclock STOREAS `JSON` PROPERTIES ('flush.size'=1000000, 'flush.interval'=30, 'flush.count'=5000)"

In this structure:

The status field is optional and can be one of: RUNNING, STOPPED, or PAUSED. The cluster field specifies the name of the Connect cluster where the connector will be deployed. The name field denotes the name of the connector. The config field represents a map of the connector’s configuration.

Last modified: April 30, 2024