This page describes how to contribute to the Stream Reactor.
The Stream Reactor is an open-source project and we welcome feedback on any issues, even more, we enjoy and encourage contributions, either fixes or new connectors! Don't be shy.
What you can contribute? Everything, even if you aren't a JVM program you can help with docs and tutorials, everything is open.
If you have an issue raise it on the GitHub issue page and supply as much information as you can. If you have a fix, raise a Pull request and ask for a review.
Please make sure to:
Test your changes, we won't accept changes without unit and integration testing
Make sure it builds!
Rebase your issues if they become stale
Update docs!
The Stream Reactor is under an Apache 2.0 license so others can use your hard work for free without restriction.
This section describes how to contribute a new connector to the Stream Reactor.
SBT, Java 11, and Scala 2.13 are required.
The Stream Reactor is built using SBT. Each connector is defined in a submodule in the root project.
Add the new directory called kafka-connect-[your-connector].
Under this add the standard path /src/main/
Use io.lenses.streamreactor.connector as the parent package. The following convention is used but each connector is different and can have more sub packages:
config - configuration and settings
sink - sink connectors, tasks and writers
source - source connectors, task and readers
Dependencies are declared in project/Dependencies.scala. Add the dependencies for you connector as a new field in the version object and the maven coordinates, for example:
Next, in the Dependencies trait add a sequence to hold you dependencies:
Next, declare the submodule in Build.sbt.
Add the project to the subproject list:
Defined the dependencies for you module. In this example kafkaConnectAzureServiceBusDeps holds the dependencies defined earlier.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!