This page describe creating and managing groups in Lenses.
A Group is a collection of permissions that defines the level of access for users belonging to it. Groups consist of:
Application permissions
Administration permissions
Groups must be pre-created, and the group's names in Lenses must match (case sensitive) those in the SSO provider.
To create a new Group, go to Admin->Groups->New Group.
For every Group, you must set the data namespaces for Kafka or other available connections to data sources.
Groups must be given names, optionally a description.
Namespace permissions define the access to datasets. and
Each group must have a namespace. A namespace is a set of permissions that apply to topics or a set of topics, for example, prod*. This allows you to define virtual multi-tenancy.
Application permissions define how a user can interact with applications and linked resources associated with those datasets.
Application permissions cover:
Viewing or resetting Consumer group offsets linked to a group's namespaces
Deploying or viewing connectors linked to a group's namespaces
Deploying or viewing SQL Processors linked to a group's namespaces
Additionally, application permissions define whether a group can access a specified Connect cluster.
Admin permissions refer to activities that are in the global scope of Lenses and affect all the related entities.