This page describes connection Lenses to a Azure HDInsight cluster.
Lenses will not start without a valid Kafka Connection. You can either add the connection via the bootstrap wizard or use provisioning for automated deployments.
In our Azure Portal, go to Dashboards > Ambari home
Kafka endpoints: Go to Kafka > Configs > Kafka Broker > Kafka Broker hosts
Optionally get the Zookeeper endpoints: Go to Zookeeper > Configs > Zookeeper Server > Zookeeper Server hosts
In the Lenses bootstrap UI:
Set the Kafka endpoints as bootstrap servers
Set the following:
to SSL
Set the password for your trust store
Upload your trust store
Perform the additional steps to above
Set the password for your key store
Upload your key store
Set your key password
This page describes configuring Lenses to connect to Aiven.
Lenses will not start without a valid Kafka Connection. You can either add the connection via the bootstrap wizard or use provisioning for automated deployments.
From the Aiven, locate your Service URI
In the Lenses bootstrap UI:
Set the Service URI as bootstrap servers
as the security protocol
as the security mechanism
Set the**jaas.conf
** as the following:
This page describes connecting Lenses to Apache Kafka.
Lenses will not start without a valid Kafka Connection. You can either add the connection via the bootstrap wizard or use provisioning for automated deployments.
Add your bootstrap brokers including ports
Optionally, security protocol e.g. SASL_SCRAM, SASL_SSL
Optionally, SASL Mechanism, e.g. SCRAM-SHA-256
If your Kafka connection requires TLS, set the following
Truststore: The SSL/TLS trust store to use as the global JVM trust store. Available formats are .jks
, .p12
, .pfx
Keystore: The SSL/TLS keystore to use for the TLS listener for Lenses. Available format is .jks
Lenses allows you to connect to brokers JMX. Supported formats are:
Simple with and without SSL
With and without SSL
With Basic Auth
Custom http requests and suffix
AWS Open Monitoring
This page describes how to connect to your Kafka brokers.
See provisioning for automating connections.
Lenses can connect to any Kafka cluster or service exposing the Apache Kafka APIs and supporting the authentication methods offered by Apache Kafka.
Follow the guide for your distribution to obtain the credentials and bootstrap broker to provide to Lenses.
Apache Kafka
Connect Lenses to your Apache Kafka cluster.
Connect Lenses to your AWS MSK cluster.
AWS MSK Serverless
Connect Lenses to your AWS MSK Serverless.
Connect Lenses to your Aiven Kafka cluster.
Azure HDInsight
Connect Lenses to your Azure HDInsight cluster.
Confluent Cloud
Connect Lenses to your Confluent Cloud.
Confluent Platform
Connect Lenses to your Confluent Platform (on premise) cluster.
IBM Event Streams
Connect Lenses to your IBM Event Streams cluster.
This page describes connection Lenses to a AWS MSK cluster.
Lenses will not start without a valid Kafka Connection. You can either add the connection via the bootstrap wizard or use provisioning for automated deployments.
It is recommended to install Lenses on an EC2 instance or with EKS in the same VPC as your MSK cluster. Lenses can be installed and preconfigured via the AWS Marketplace.
Edit the AWS MSK security group in the AWS Console and add the IP address of your Lenses installation.
If you want to have Lenses collect JMX metrics you have to enable Open Monitoring on your MSK cluster. Follow the AWS guide here.
Depending on your MSK cluster, select the endpoint and protocol you want to connect with.
It is not recommended to use Plaintext for secure environments. For these environments use TLS or IAM.
In the Lenses bootstrap UI, Select:
Security Protocol and set the protocol you want to use
SASL Mechanism and set the mechanism you want to use.
In the Lenses bootstrap UI, Select:
Security Protocol and set it to SASL_SSL
Sasl Mechanism and set it to AWS_MSK_IAM
Add software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
to the Sasl Jaas Config section
Optionally upload your trust store
Set sasl.client.callback.handler.class=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler
in the Advances Kafka Properties section.
This page describes how to connect Lenses to IBM Event Streams.
Lenses will not start without a valid Kafka Connection. You can either add the connection via the bootstrap wizard or use provisioning for automated deployments.
From the IBM Cloud console, locate your bootstrap_endpoints
. for the service credentials you want to connect with.
In the Lenses bootstrap UI:
Set the bootstrap_endpoints as bootstrap servers
as the security protocol
as the security mechanism
Set the**jaas.conf
** as the following, using the apiKey value as the password.
IBM Event Streams requires a replication factor of 3. Ensure you set the replication factor accordingly for Lenses internal topics.
See Configuration.
This page describes configuring Lenses to connect to Confluent Platform.
Lenses will not start without a valid Kafka Connection. You can either add the connection via the bootstrap wizard or use provisioning for automated deployments.
For Confluent Platform see Apache Kafka.
This page describes configuring Lenses to connect to Confluent Cloud.
Lenses will not start without a valid Kafka Connection. You can either add the connection via the bootstrap wizard or use provisioning for automated deployments.
For Confluent Platform see Apache Kafka.
From Data integration API keys
, select Create Key
For this guide select Global access
In the Lenses bootstrap UI, Select:
Security Protocol SASL SSL
SASL Mechanism PLAIN
In the JAAS Configuration update the username
and password
from the respective fields Key and Secret of the API key created above:
This page describes how to connect Lenses to an Amazon MSK Serverless cluster.
Lenses will not start without a valid Kafka Connection. You can either add the connection via the bootstrap wizard or use provisioning for automated deployments.
It is recommended to install Lenses on an EC2 instance or with EKS in the same VPC as your MSK Serverless cluster. Lenses can be installed and preconfigured via the AWS Marketplace.
Enable communications between Lenses & the Amazon MSK Serverless cluster by opening the Amazon MSK Serverless cluster's security group in the AWS Console and add the IP address of your Lenses installation.
To authenticate Lenses & access resources within our MSK Serverless cluster, we'll need to create an IAM policy and apply that to the resource (EC2, EKS cluster, etc) running the Lenses service. here is an example IAM policy with sufficient permissions which you can associate with the relevant IAM role:
MSK Serverless IAM to be used after cluster creation. Update this IAM policy with the relevant ARN.
Click your MSK Serverless Cluster in the MSK console and select View Client Information page to check the bootstrap server endpoint.
In the Lenses bootstrap UI, Select:
For the bootsrap server configuration, use the MSK Serverless endpoint
For the Security Protocol, set it to SASL_SSL
Customize the Sasl Mechanism and set it to AWS_MSK_IAM
Add software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
to the Sasl Jaas Config section
Set sasl.client.callback.handler.class=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler
in the Advances Kafka Properties section.
During the broker metrics export step, keep it disabled, as AWS Serverless does not export the metrics to Lenses. Click Next
Copy your license and add it to Lenses, validate your license, and click Next
Click on Save & Boot Lenses. Lenses will finish the setup on its own
To enable the creation of SQL Processors that create consumer groups, you need to add the following statement in your IAM policy:
Update the placeholders in the IAM policy based on the relevant MSK Serverless cluster ARN.
To integrate with the AWS Glue Schema Registry, you also need to add the following statement for the registries and schemas in your IAM policy:
Update the placeholders in the IAM policy based on the relevant MSK Serverless cluster ARN.
To integrate with the AWS Glue Schema Registry, you also need to modify the security policy for the registry and schemas, which results in additional functions within it:
More details about how IAM works with MSK Serverless can be found in the documentation: MSK Serverless
When using Lenses with MSK Serverless:
Lenses does not receive Prometheus-compatible metrics from the brokers because they are not exported outside of CloudWatch.
Lenses does not configure quotas and ACLs because MSK Serveless does not allow this.