Upgrade Notes

To see the full list of changes made for this release check the Release Notes. Upgrading from the previous versions requires changes to the existing configuration file. This section covers all the changes to be made to the existing configuration file to make it work with this version.

From 2.0 to 2.1

  • The default LDAP plugin class has been renamed from com.landoop.kafka.lenses.security.LdapMemberOfUserGroupPlugin to com.landoop.lenses.security.ldap.LdapMemberOfUserGroupPlugin. Although this is the default value, if you set it explicitly, please update to the new name.

From 2.1.4 or older to 2.1.5

  • The deprecated option lenses.jmx.brokers returned in order to support Zookeeper-less installations —a new feature of Lenses 2.1.5. It now has a different format, so if you kept it around, Lenses will fail to start unless you remove it (suggested) or update it to the new format. It expects an array. E.g:

    lenses.jmx.brokers = [
        { id:"broker1 id", jmx:"broker1 JMX port" },
        { id:"broker2 id", jmx:"broker2 JMX port" },
        { id:"broker3 id", jmx:"broker3 JMX port" }

    Please note that this option is only needed when you setup Lenses without Zookeeper. Even then, if all brokers use the same JMX port, you should use the more convenient lenses.jmx.broker.port option instead:


From 1.1 to 2.0

For those upgrading from version 1.1 please also read

See Upgrade path from 1.1 to 2.0

From 1.0 to 1.1

For those upgrading from version 1.0 please also read

See Upgrade path from 1.0 to 1.1

Docker pull the latest Lenses environment for Developers

docker pull landoop/kafka-lenses-dev:latest

And update you official docker container for Lenses Enterprise with

docker pull landoop/lenses:latest