This page describes the Lenses CLI

A new CLI for HQ is available here. To view the available commands run

docker run -it lensting/lenses-cli:6.0.0-alpha.16 --help

Command line interface to the Lenses HQ HTTP API.

  hq [command]

Available Commands:
  agent            Command line interface to the agent.
  api              API meta information.
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config           Manage CLI configuration.
  environments     Manage Environments.
  groups           Manage Groups.
  help             Help about any command
  misc             Miscellaneous commands.
  roles            Manage Roles.
  service-accounts Manage ServiceAccounts.
  users            Manage Users.
  utils            Bundles utility commands.
  version          Display's the cli's version

  -a, --address string      URL to the HQ HTTP api.
  -c, --context string      Config context.
  -h, --help                help for hq
  -k, --insecure            Insecure. Disables TLS verification.
  -p, --password string     Password.
  -s, --session-id string   Session ID (cookie auth).
  -t, --token string        Auth (bearer) token of a service account.
  -u, --username string     Username.
  -v, --verbose             Verbose; log to stderr.
  -w, --verboser            Verboser; log raw http traffic to stderr.

Use "hq [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The Lenses 5.x CLI is incompatible with Lenses 6.0

Last updated

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