Data policies

This page describes how to use Lenses to create data policies to identify and mask data in Lenses as well as identify applications consuming them.

Data policies allow you to define data masking rules that redact data in Lenses based on field names. This applies to Kafka topics, Postgres tables and Elasticsearch indices.

Additionally, for each policy Lenses will identify not only the datasets involved but any application, e.g. SQL Processor or Connectors using this data.

Viewing a policy

To view data policies go to Workspaces->Policies.

If no policies are listed you can load the default policies that come built into Lenses.

Creating a policy

To create a policy, click New Policy. Enter the details.

If you wish to have no masking but use the policies to identify datasets containing certain fields set the Redaction to NONE.

Editing a policy

To edit a policy, select the policy and edit from the actions menu.

Deleting a policy

To delete a policy, select the policy and delete it from the actions menu.

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