
This page describes how to use Lenses to enable auditing to track every action in Lenses.

Lenses audits all user actions. Audit events can be viewed in Lenses and also sent to two channels, Splunk and Webhook.

Viewing audit logs in Lenses

Go to Environments->[Your Environment]->Admin->Audits->Logs. Lenses will display the activity including, who performed the action and when. Details can also be viewed (dependent on the action).

Sending audit logs to Splunk

To send audit logs to Splunk, you first need a Splunk connection. Go to Environments->[Your Environment]->Admin->Connection->New Connection and select Splunk.

Enter the connection details for your Splunk HTTP Event collector deployment.

Next, go to Environments->[Your Environment]->Admin->Audits->Channels->New Channel and select Splunk. Select a Splunk connection and set a Source.

Sending audit logs to a Webhook

First, you need a Webhook connection. Go to Environments->[Your Environment]->Admin->Connections->New Connection

Enter the URL, port and credentials.

Create a Channel to use the connection. Go to Environments->[Your Environment]->Admin->Audits->Channels->New Channel and select Webhook.

  1. Choose a name for your Channel instance.

  2. Select your connection.

  3. Set the HTTP method to use.

  4. Set the Request path. A URI-encoded request path, which may include a query string. Supports alert-variable interpolation.

  5. Set the HTTP Headers

  6. Set the Body payload

Lenses can also audit users' access to data and send events to multiple channels at the same time.

Last updated

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