What's New?
This page details the release notes of Lenses.
6.0 LA - Limited Availability
Lenses 6.0 introduces a new service, called HQ, acting as portal for multi-kafka environments.
New HQ service
IAM (Identity & Access Management). This has moved from each Lenses instant to a global location in the new HQ service
Global SQL Studio
Global Data Catalogue
Community License: You can now use Lenses without a license (community license key is bundled in the docker-compose) or expiry but the following restrictions apply:
Maximum of two environments (Kafka clusters) can be connected
Two Users with one an admin user
Two Service Accounts
Two Groups
Two Roles
No Backup / Restore for topics to S3
H2 embedded database is no longer support.
Lenses 5.x permission model is replaced by global IAM. You must recreate the roles and groups in HQ
Connection management in the agent is via file Provisioning only.
Last updated
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