Apache Kafka
This page describes connecting the Lenses Agent to Apache Kafka.
Last updated
This page describes connecting the Lenses Agent to Apache Kafka.
Last updated
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A Kafka connection is required for the agent to start. You can connect to Kafka via:
Plaintext (no credentials an unencrypted)
SSL (no credentials an encrypted)
SASL Plaintext and SASL SSL
With PLAINTEXT, there's no encryption and no authentication when connecting to Kafka.
The only required fields are:
kafkaBootstrapServers - a list of bootstrap servers (brokers). It is recommended to add as many brokers (if available) as convenient to this list for fault tolerance.
protocol - depending on the protocol, other fields might be necessary (see examples for other protocols)
In following example JMX metrics for Kafka Brokers are configured too, assuming that all brokers expose their JMX metrics using the same port (9581), without SSL and authentication.
With SSL the connection to Kafka is encrypted. You can also uses SSL and certificates to authenticate users against Kafka.
A truststore (with password) might need to be set explicitly if the global truststore of the Agent does not include the Certificate Authority (CA) of the brokers.
If TLS is used for authentication to the brokers in addition to encryption-in-transit, a key store (with passwords) is required.
There are 2 SASL-based protocols to access Kafka Brokers: SASL_SSL
. They both require SASL mechanism and JAAS Configuration values. What is different is:
The transport layer is encyrpted (SSL)
The SASL mechanism for authentication (PLAIN, AWS_MSK_IAM, GSSAPI).
In addition to this, there might be a keytab file required, depending on the SASL mechanism (for example when using GSSAPI mechanism, most often used for Kerberos).
To use Kerberos authentication, a Kerberos _Connection_ should be created beforehand.
When encryption-in-transit is used (with SASL_SSL), a trust store might need to be set explicitly if the global trust store of Lenses does not include the CA of the brokers.
Encrypted communication and basic username and password for authentication.
In order to use Kerberos authentication, a Kerberos Connection should be created beforehand.
No SSL encrypted of communication, credentials communicated to Kafka in clear text.