This How-To guide is going to focus on how to integrate Lenses with the IBM managed Kafka service known as Event Streams [1].

Some features are not available with Event Streams, namely ZooKeeper and the JMX ports on the Kafka brokers - these are not required to run Lenses.

View the IBM documentation

Service Credentials

The service credentials contain information we will use to configure Lenses.

Create a set of credentials:

Create Service Credentials


Wizard to create service credentials in event streams

and save the JSON blob for later. Note the values for “api_key” and “kafka_brokers_sasl”, as these will be used to configure Lenses.

Example Service Credentials


We’ll be using the api-key and kafka-brokers-sasl.

Create a Virtual Instance

See the Hardware & OS requirements for Lenses.

We used a server with the following characteristics:

  • 4 vCPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 25 GB Disk
  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver Minimal Install (64 bit)
Example Server Configuration


Example options for the server configuration used in this guide.

Once the virtual server has finished booting, alter the /etc/resolv.conf if necessary, and check internet connectivity by updating the software:

apt update


When creating the instance we found that we had no internet access. This turned out to be a problem with the /etc/resolv.conf settings. See this article for more information. Removing the symlink and changing this to nameserver fixed the problem. Still having problems? - double check your security groups.

Install Prerequisites

For this guide we used the archive of lenses. Download the latest version of lenses, from Or run the script below to download Lenses and initialize the config.

export LENSES_BASE_VERSION=<base-version>
export LENSES_VERSION=<specific-version>
wget -qO-$LENSES_BASE_VERSION/lenses-$LENSES_VERSION-linux64.tar.gz | tar -xvz -C /opt
export LENSES_HOME=/opt/lenses
mkdir -p $LENSES_HOME/data/storage
touch $LENSES_HOME/lenses.conf
touch $LENSES_HOME/jaas.conf
touch $LENSES_HOME/license.json
touch $LENSES_HOME/security.conf
export LENSES_OPTS="$LENSES_HOME/jaas.conf"

Create configuration

A minimal config to run Lenses with event streams requires 4 files:

  1. lenses.conf
  2. license.json
  3. jaas.conf
  4. security.conf

Running the above script will have created these 4 files for you. Now simply populate them with the following content:


# Set the ip:port for Lenses to bind to
lenses.ip =
lenses.port = 9991

# License file allowing connecting to up to N brokers
lenses.license.file = "/opt/lenses/license.json"

# Directory where Lenses stores local storage.
# If omitted it will create a directory named 'storage' under the current directory.
# Write access is needed as well as surviving between upgrades. = "/opt/lenses/data/storage"

# Set up infrastructure end-points

# The more brokers you can add here, the better
lenses.kafka.brokers = "SASL_SSL://BROKER_HOST_NAME:9093"

# client settings"SASL_SSL"

# Processor Mode & State dir options
lenses.sql.execution.mode = "IN_PROC"
lenses.sql.state.dir = "/tmp/lenses-sql-kstream-state"

Substitute the lenses.kafka.brokers configuration option with value the kafka_brokers_sasl array values, from the service credentials. Make sure to concatenate the values with a comma, and prepend them with SASL_SSL://.

# The more brokers you can add here, the better
lenses.kafka.brokers = "SASL_SSL://BROKER_HOST_NAME_1:9093,SASL_SSL://BROKER_HOST_NAME_2:9093"


Populate this file with the JSON blob from your license.

    "source": " Ltd",
    "clientId": "CLIENT_ID",
    "details": "Lenses",
    "key": "KEY"


Substitute the USERNAME/PASSWORD variables with the respective options supplied in the Event Streams service credentials. (See the previous screenshot on service credentials)

KafkaClient { required


You can change the default Lenses username and password with the following configuration: = "admin" = "admin"

Run lenses

Run the Lenses binary to start the service

nohup /opt/lenses/bin/lenses &


Finally navigate to the IP address of the virtual server on port 9991 with your browser, and log into lenses.