View the latest documentation 5.5
Sign up with Lenses and download your license key.
The service credentials contains the bootstap brokers and the access credentails to connect with via SASL_PLAINTEXT.
Run the following in a terminal:
docker run --name lenses \ -e LENSES_PORT=9991 \ -e LENSES_SECURITY_USER=admin \ -e LENSES_SECURITY_PASSWORD=sha256:8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15dfb167a9c873fc4bb8a81f6f2ab448a918 \ -p 9991:9991 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway lensesio/lenses
Wait for Lenses to start up.
Head to http://localhost:9991.
Login as admin:
In the Lenses startup wizard:
Add your Lenses license. Copy and paste the JSON file you downloaded from your email. Lenses will check that the license is valid.
Click on Save & Boot Lenses. Lenses will finish configuring itself.
Once complete you can login with admin/admin at http://locahost:9991.
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