When working on software projects, there often arises a need to create additional environment variables for various purposes. One common scenario for this is when users need to securely handle sensitive information, such as passwords or API keys. By storing a user password in a secret, the system ensures that such sensitive information is not exposed to unauthorized access, and this practice offers enhanced security.
lensesHq:# Additional env variables appended to deployment# Follows the format of [EnvVar spec](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.21/#envvar-v1-core)additionalEnv: - name:ADMIN_USERvalueFrom:secretKeyRef:name:multi-credentials-secretkey:user1-username - name:ADMIN_USER_PWDvalueFrom:secretKeyRef:name:multi-credentials-secretkey:user1-password
Property restPorthas been removed and replaced by lensesHq.http.address
Small bugfixes
Agent changelog
Syntax changes
In the provisioning, there has been slight adjustment in the parent agent configuration parameter.
lenseshas been renamed to lensesAgent
lenses:provision:enabled:trueversion:"2"path:/mnt/provision-secretsconnections:grpcServer:# Property that has changed - name:lenses-hqversion:1tags: ['hq']configuration:server:value: [HQ_URL]port:value:10000apiKey:# Property that has changedvalue:${LENSESHQ_AGENT_KEY}
In the the past it was possible to use H2 database which would be instantly deployed and ready to use alongside the agent.
Due to certain performance limitations which come with H2 database which can impact the agent functionality, we decided to completely remove H2 support.
However, persistence parameter still remains and can be used to enable extra volume creation dedicated specifically just logs.
persistence:log:# -- (boolean) Extra volume creation dedicated for logs.# @section -- Persistence scope valuesenabled:true# -- (boolean) Annotations dedicated for logs.# @section -- Persistence scope valuesannotations: {}# -- (list) Access mode rights for created persistence volumes.# @section -- Persistence scope valuesaccessModes: - ReadWriteOnce# -- (string) Size of persistence that will be created.# @section -- Persistence scope valuessize:5Gi