
This page describes managing users in Lenses.

Users must be assigned to a group. SSO and LDAP users are mapped to a group matching the group name provided by the Idp.

Group name matching is case-sensitive.

Multiple types of users can be supported at the same time.

Adding a user with Basic Authentication

Select Admin->Users->New User->Basic Auth.

Mapping SSO users to groups

By default, users are mapped to the group provided by the SSO provider. If you wish to override the group mapping from your SSO, users can be created directly in Lenses and you can manually map the user to a group.

Mapping LDAP users to groups

By default, users are mapped to the group provided by the LDAP server. If you wish to override the group mapping you manually map the user to a group.

See LDAP user group mapping.

Listing Users

Lenses allows you to view users and:

  1. Authentication type

  2. Groups they belong to

  3. Last login

Go to Admin -> Users.

Last updated


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