
This page describes commands to update various metadata associated with datasets in Lenses via the CLI.

Update the description of a dataset

To set a dataset description, use:

lenses-cli dataset update-description \
    --connection="connectionName" \
    --name="topicName" \
    --description="A Description"

It is also possible to remove the dataset description by supplying the --remove-description flag.

lenses-cli dataset remove-description \
    --connection="connectionName" \
    --name="topicName" \

Update the dataset tags

To set one or multiple dataset tags, use:

lenses-cli dataset update-tags \
    --connection="connectionName" \
    --name="topicName" \
    --tag="tag-1" \ 
    --tag="tag-2" \

Notice that the --tags parameter is required and should contain a non-empty, space separated list of tags (a tag max length is 255 characters). To delete all the tags associated to a dataset, you can use the remove-tags subcommand:

lenses-cli dataset remove-tags \
    --connection="connectionName" \
    --name="topicName" \

Last updated


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