Consumer Groups
This page described consumer group monitoring.
Consumer group monitoring is a key part of operating Kafka. Lenses allows operators to view and manage consumer groups.
The connector and SQL Processor pages allow you to navigate straight to the corresponding consumer groups.
The Explore screen also shows the active consumer groups on each topic.
Viewing consumer groups
To view consumer groups and the max and min lag across the partitions go to Workspace->Monitor->Consumers. You can also see this information for each topic in the Explore screen->Select topic->Partition tab.
View consumer group details
Select, or search for a consumer group, you can also search for consumer groups that are not active.
Viewing alerts for a consumer group
To view alerts for a consumer group, click the view alerts button. Resetting consumer groups is only possible if the consumer group is not active. i.e. the application must be stopped, such as a Connector or SQL Processor. Enable the show inactive consumers to find them.
Resetting consumer group for a specific partition to an offset
Select the consumer group
Select the partition to reset the offsets for
Specify the offset
Resetting the whole consumer group
To reset a consumer group (all clients in the group), select the consumer groups, select Actions, and Change Multiple offsets. This will reset all clients in the consumer group to either:
To the start
To the last offset
To a specific timestamp
Last updated
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